We served cupcakes at our wedding, but they were not all I dreamed of.
Sunday we were walking through the mall when I spotted it, The Cupcake Camper.
After finding out my husband would buy me one, we walked up the wooden steps and I selected an orange and chocolate one, noticing they were out of both the pink and spiced cupcakes.
My cupcake was delivered in a mug-sized cardboard box with a folded pink napkin and plastic fork slid into the gap.
Having had lots of treats over the weekend during Spoon River Drive, I decided to save the orange-iced cupcake dusted with black sprinkles for later, so I put it in the fridge.
Monday I ate the last of my Maurie's carmel apples, since they'd been around for a few days.
Tuesday after dinner I pulled the cupcake box out of the fridge so it could warm up a bit.
I opened it later and poked at the icing, saddened to find it a bit hard. I had the fleeting thought that I may have to throw it out, but decided to turn the oven on for a minute, then back off, and put the treat in there to sit a bit.
A few minutes later I pulled the cupcake out and tested the icing again. Soft and fresh as new.
I cut the cake neatly in half, noting the thick layer of orange icing. Sampling it, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
The icing was soft, thick and buttery tasting, with a hint of almond flavor.
The cake itself was made of a fine, almost silky chocolate flour mixture.
Considering this cake had been neglected far long enough, I went ahead and ate the other half in the same sitting, enjoying every last morsel.
Part way through I informed my husband I may need to try some more of their cupcakes. Right after I take that long bike ride.
ooh, how fun. I have to go there! How much do their cupcakes cost? Do they offer anything else? (Not that one needs anything else besides cupcakes.)
The cupcakes cost $3.50, but they are very large. There is a discount when buying several.
I don't think they offer anything else right now, but yes, what else could you need? ;-)
Do you know the hours of operation?
I believe they only sell on weekends right now, but I didn't see any specific hours.
We were there at 1:45 on a Sunday and they were open.
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